How to Change Reaper's Default Metronome and Click Source Sound

How To Change the Sound of the Reaper Metronome

Today we're going to change the sound of Reaper's built in metronome and click source.

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Full Transcript Below:

00:00 hi i'm anita potter from anita potter

00:02 production and in today's reaper quick

00:04 tip

00:05 we are going to learn how to change

00:06 reaper's metronome sound

00:16 as you all know uh metronomes are tick

00:18 tick tick tick tick and it's just like

00:21 poking you in your eardrums and frying

00:23 your brain and stuff but there is a way

00:25 to change it in reaper i'm going to show

00:28 you two separate ways one's within the

00:30 metronome and the other one is in the

00:32 click source we're going to work on the

00:34 metronome first

00:36 so up here i'm going to

00:38 go ahead and just i'm going to just

00:39 double click and add a new track i don't

00:41 really need to but it's nice to have

00:43 something there so it's not naked

00:45 and we're gonna click to enable the

00:48 metronome and we're gonna right click on

00:50 the little icon

00:52 and you can see

00:54 that we have settings for the metronome

00:58 enable it run it during playback and all

01:00 these other settings count in and

01:03 beat volume and the beat pattern

01:07 now down here we can change the primary

01:10 beat sample and then the secondary beat

01:12 sample

01:13 i'm going to copy and paste it in

01:15 so

01:17 where did it go it disappeared

01:20 so we're going to right click on the

01:22 metronome

01:24 and you have primary

01:26 beat sample and secondary beat

01:29 i'm going to and i'm pretty sure it's

01:31 going to disappear on me again yep

01:38 which it will do so we'll just get it

01:40 back

01:41 there we go

01:42 primary beat sample i'm going to paste

01:44 it in

01:46 i'm going to get the secondary beat

01:47 sample

01:50 copy it

01:54 oops

01:55 dang it

01:58 and then i'm gonna

01:59 paste it in

02:01 okay

02:02 so when i hit play

02:11 kick snare snare snare kick snare snare

02:16 let's see you can also i do believe is

02:18 there a way to turn the volume up on

02:19 these you can turn it up um

02:22 right now the first beat is at negative

02:24 12 db

02:26 and the secondary beat is at negative

02:28 six so i kind of want to move this one

02:31 up

02:32 to

02:32 a little more that way

02:36 else wait what is the secondary beat

02:38 it's just let me make sure

02:42 primary beat volume yeah i kind of want

02:44 to hear the beginning so let's test it

02:46 again

02:48 [Music]

02:54 and that's the way to change it into the

02:56 metronome

02:57 now i'm going to disable

02:59 the metronome i'm going to insert

03:04 click source

03:06 which is right here

03:09 and you can do the same thing with that

03:12 but

03:13 in order to get to

03:15 this

03:16 you need to hit control f2

03:19 to open up the click source properties

03:21 and i've already got

03:23 the same samples but you'll just browse

03:25 for each of the samples you want for the

03:28 first hit is your primary beat your

03:30 secondary beat is the the rest of the um

03:34 uh four for four

03:37 in four four time it'd be like

03:40 kick snare snare snare

03:43 be the rest of the beats the final three

03:45 beats if i could speak properly

03:48 and then it'll should

03:51 [Music]

03:56 now i'm wondering if i use the gain will

03:58 it make it louder

04:02 yep

04:05 you can turn

04:07 volume up on it you can even do it on

04:09 the track if you want to

04:11 and that's basically how to change

04:14 reaper's metronome now i'm not sure

04:16 entirely

04:18 if it will

04:20 transfer on the metronome i know in the

04:22 click source

04:23 it stays it doesn't disappear but i

04:26 think on the metronome it does so i'm

04:28 wondering if i go to a project that's

04:32 over here

04:34 and i turn this metronome on if it's

04:36 still the same metronome sound that

04:37 reaper came with

04:43 yep

04:45 so for every project you want to use the

04:47 metronome on

04:49 you are going to have to set it every

04:51 time

04:53 unfortunately but if you just use the

04:55 click source it's it's there forever so

04:58 if you have any other comments or

04:59 questions please leave them in the

05:01 comments section below and i will see

05:02 you in the next video bye bye for now