Adding to the Custom Stereo Track Action in Reaper

Quick Reaper Tips

Today we're going to add to our custom Stereo Track Action to delete the empty track after the action has been run.

Previous video on Creating the Stereo Track Action: Custom Actions in Reaper

Watch the Video Below To Learn More

Full Transcript Below:

00:00 hi i'm anita potter from anita potter

00:02 productions and today we're going to add

00:03 to our custom action stereo track

00:15 now in the previous video which is going

00:17to pop up over here and a link in the

00:19 description will be below

00:21 to our previous video on um

00:24 creating a stereo

00:26 turning two tracks into a stereo track

00:28 using a custom action

00:30 but what we're going to add to it is

00:32 going to delete the empty track that's

00:35 below

00:36 so i have a set of tracks right here

00:39 that have left and rights

00:41 so i'm going to go up to my actions

00:44 panel

00:45 and show action list

00:47 and i'm going to click on

00:51 stereo

00:54 and edit action

00:57 now i've already added the two

00:59 other ones we have our first our

01:02 sws

01:04 implode items to takes and pan

01:07 symmetrically we're going to glue items

01:09 ignoring the time

01:10 selection gonna set selected tracks to

01:13 pan mode to dual pan

01:15 now the new ones is track go to next

01:19 track

01:21 and then track remove tracks you're

01:23 gonna click

01:25 i'm gonna find it over here

01:27 and i'm gonna type

01:28 it in

01:30 track

01:32 go

01:33 oops i can't spell

01:36 go to next track and then you'll click

01:38 on that

01:39 double click and it'll add it

01:43 and then

01:45 just backspace backspace in the search

01:48 then

01:49 remove

01:52 track move traction you'll double click

01:53 on that seeing as i already have those

01:55 set there i'm going to remove those two

01:57 actions

01:59 i'm going to click

02:01 ok

02:03 then i'm going to close this

02:05 and it's already saved into my

02:09 custom actions

02:11 so i'm going to

02:13 double click on that track and i'm going

02:14 to hold down shift

02:16 double click the second track and i'm

02:18 going to go to my actions panel

02:20 and click stereo and you'll see it

02:24 working and it removed the extra track

02:26 underneath

02:28 we'll do it again

02:30 double click this track

02:32and then this track

02:34 actions

02:36 stereo

02:38 and it deletes that extra track so that

02:41 leaves one last click and delete that

02:43 you don't have to do and that was it for

02:46 this quick reaper tip if you have any

02:48 comments suggestions or questions please

02:50 leave them down below

02:51 and i will see you in the next video bye

02:53 bye for now