2020 Round Up

The 2020 Round Up for Anita Potter and Anita Potter Productions

What can one say about the year 2020 that hasn't already been said? I'm going to focus on the good things that has happened this year and leave the bad to someone else. I'll share with you all of the things I did this year as well as plans for me and Anita Potter Productions in 2021.

Music Releases

I released my first single March 2020 called "Meadowlands" https://open.spotify.com/track/7KLdqs27briIW1DkfegotF

I had the pleasure of being the mix engineer on "Twisting" by Resolooter https://open.spotify.com/track/124f35e8xMI6MrTxAqiM8j

2020 Portfolio Video

Gaining/Re-gaining New/Old Skills

I've been spending time off and on learning and re-learning Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Blender late in the year. I'm also an avid knitter and crocheter. I've made 3 pairs of slipper socks, cotton washcloths, cotton towels, duster covers, cotton flat mop heads, two scarves, face masks (which reminds me I need to finish those up), and am working on the fine art of double knitting. Early on in my knitting journey I was always fascinated by double knitting (also call jacquard). Two color patterns that one side is one way and the other side is the same but opposite colors. When I first tried it many years ago I didn't get along with it very well. Most of the tutorials were all about holding the two colors in separate hands and didn't explain things very well. I decide to try again this last month and it's going a lot better. Currently making a sampler blanket because you can never have too many blankets.

New music on the horizon

I'm planning on releasing new music steadily after the first of the year. 2020 was a difficult year to deal with during the pandemic with the arts and entertainment industry taking a hard hit. We can only look forward to the future and bounce back from this crazy year. My goal is to release some music at least once a month.

That's my 2020 Round Up. Let's put this year behind us and get ready for the next!