Free Plugin: Sonatina Orchestra By bigcat instruments

Today we're going to take a look at the free plugin Sonatina Orchestra by bigcat instruments. This is a Windows only plugin in 32 or 64 bit.

Get Sonatina Orchestra here: Sonatina Orchestra By bigcat instruments

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Full Transcript Below

00:00 hi i'm anita potter from anita potter

00:02 productions and today we're going to

00:03 talk about the free instrument plug-in

00:06 sonatina orchestra

00:16 sonatina orchestra is by big cat

00:18 instruments

00:20 and let's take a look at it i've already

00:22 got a track ready i'm going to click on

00:25 effects

00:27 add and i'm going to go down to my

00:29 orchestra which i've already

00:31 selected

00:32 and i'm going to find

00:34 sonatina orchestra

00:36 it has two in 32 out i don't usually

00:39 deal with those unless that's for rack

00:41 gear

00:43 i don't know i just have this

00:45 so um

00:48 i should say that this plug-in is

00:51 windows only as far as i know

00:54 and i'll leave a link in the description

00:56 below on where to download it

00:58 so we have our interface here and my

01:01 mouse is acting busy

01:03 for no reason other than to be busy we

01:06 have

01:08 our instrument selection which there's a

01:10 whole bunch of instruments down here

01:13 you have a volume control and a panning

01:15 control

01:17 i believe that's attack

01:19 decay

01:21 sustain

01:24 i think that's release

01:28 possibly

01:30 i don't know i just wanted to think it's

01:32 like resonance but no i'm pretty sure

01:34 that's release

01:35 so we have our instruments we have the

01:37 violin and i'm going to go ahead and set

01:39 up my track to

01:40 take midi so i'm going to

01:43 click on this

01:45 input

01:46 midi and i'm going to go to my oxygen

01:48 since it's over here

01:50 i'm going to right click

01:52 okay and make sure

01:55 it's set properly

01:57 i'm gonna hit record arm and seeing as

02:00 it's already on the violin

02:02 i'm gonna just play a couple of keys

02:05 there we go

02:06 ah that's that's where it ends

02:10 that doesn't have anything on it so

02:12 neither does that

02:13 i guess we start

02:20 and then you can like do a chord

02:26 but it seems like when you go in and do

02:29 more than one

02:30 or maybe let's try two

02:36 when you start getting into three or

02:38 more in your chord

02:40 it might sound a little

02:42 fake

02:44 at least that's what it sounds at least

02:46 that's what it sounds like to me so i 02:48 just might as well just leave it at one

02:50 or two

02:56 i'll let you make that decision here's a

02:59 c major

03:00 complete three

03:01 triad

03:06 then

03:10 just those two and then

03:15 it all depends on your preference so

03:17 that was the violin and you got a viola

03:20 cello double bass trumpet horn trombone

03:25 tuba

03:26 flute

03:27 oboe clarinet bassoon

03:29 harp

03:30 choir chimes glockenspiel

03:33 timpani xylophone percussion and then

03:37 piano

03:38 i don't think we're going to take a look

03:39 at everything you can like explore these

03:42 on your own

03:43 but i want to hear the horns

03:47 so i'm gonna hear the trumpet and then

03:49 it loads and i'm back

03:51 reaper decided it wasn't gonna have any

03:53 of it and crashed on me so i got

03:54 everything reloaded and set back up so

03:57 let's take a look at the solo trumpet

03:59 because usually

04:00 um

04:01 instrument vsti instrument horns

04:05 don't sound good

04:07 but if you don't try to like make like a

04:09 whole

04:11 trumpet section

04:13 it might be okay so let's listen

04:16 [Music]

04:20 let's try a chord

04:23 [Music]

04:23 [Applause]

04:28 [Music]

04:32 it doesn't sound terrible

04:34 i'm wondering what this horns one is

04:37 i'm not sure what kind of horn it is

04:40 maybe french horn

04:41 [Music]

04:43 yeah french horn

04:44 [Music]

04:52 now i do believe this is the one the

04:55 flute

04:58 this might be the flute that i used for

05:00 meadowlands i cannot remember it's been

05:02 almost two years

05:12 it doesn't sound bad you can

05:14 you can actually hear the uh

05:18 like when you're actually playing with a

05:19 flute you

05:21 blow your breath you can hear that part

05:23 of it

05:24 [Music]

05:30 though sometimes it might just be a

05:32 little too much especially if you're

05:34 trying to um

05:36 play uh

05:39 uh what is it

05:41 slurs or legato

05:44 it's been a while since i've been in

05:45 band but

05:47 it might get a little

05:50 [Music]

06:00 i i forgot how to play it anyway

06:04 that's basically all there is with these

06:07 there's

06:08 timpani's

06:14 it's actually oh timpani roll

06:18 [Music]

06:21 and what was the other one

06:24 i wanted to see

06:26 where is what was i going to look at

06:29 the percussion

06:33 okay

06:35 so

06:37 oh crud hang on let me change the octave

06:44 [Music]

06:52 [Music]

06:59 some of these i haven't listened to and

07:01 i've had this plug-in for like ever

07:07 [Music]

07:13 okay

07:14 all right i didn't mean to hit that

07:15 again

07:26 i might need that one

07:29 [Music]

07:32 and i just went the whole entire

07:36 range of my uh

07:37 oxygen here

07:40 probably be best to have like on the uh

07:43 the casio but my microphone is like in

07:46 the way and i'm further away from my

07:48 piano now so

07:49 that's not gonna happen but that's

07:51 basically

07:52 what all is in here in the piano

07:56 [Music]

08:01 that's and let me see here oops wrong

08:04 way

08:05 [Music]

08:08 [Applause]

08:13 ah that was terrible

08:15 [Music]

08:22 it doesn't sound they don't sound bad i

08:24 mean you can do a lot of things um with

08:27 it after you

08:28 [Music]

08:32 turn it into turn it from a midi track

08:34 into a

08:36 a wav file

08:38 eq compression you can like

08:41 mess with it make it sound just a little

08:43 bit more realistic with um

08:45 reverbs and delays you can make fake

08:48 rooms

08:49 and delay it a little bit time delay it

08:51 a little bit so it sounds like it's in a

08:54 space

08:56 lots of things you can do to help make

08:58 it

09:00 sound just a little bit more realistic

09:01 now there are better um

09:03 better uh

09:05 orchestra plugins but

09:07 if you're just starting out this is not

09:09 a bad this is not a bad one just to get

09:11 yourself

09:12 getting in and creating music

09:16 what orchestra library do you use let me

09:18 know in the comments section below and i

09:20 will see you in the next video bye-bye

09:21 for now